The terms 'business consultant ' and 'business coach' are often used interchangeably. However the terms are actually very different styles of business mentoring. And, depending on your business issues and management style, one can be much more effective than the other.
Business Consultant
A business consultant comes into your company as an expert on a specific issue. They evaluate your particular business issues and develop a solution to that issue. As a business consultant, my specialty is to evaluate the communication styles of management and employees in a business. I then teach the staff - management and employees- how to communicate effectively. When necessary I have private sessions with specific people in the company and teach them how to deal with the different personalities I found in the workplace. I can also mediate between employees and management to help them develop better communication styles and understanding of job expectations.
I have been in management in many different types of companies and I find that one thing is consistent throughout – people. When you’re working with people you need to be aware of not only skill sets when building a team, but personalities. Conflict within the ranks at any level makes a business less productive. Learn techniques to minimize this conflict and make your business more efficient. Create an atmosphere where your people are motivated to achieve their best.
Business Coach
A business coach comes to your company for a specific person or people to help them reach desired goals. Sometimes this even includes identifying what those goals should be. A coach helps you through guidance, not handing you the answers, but helping you to find your own way. This type of help is generally effective on a broader scale, effecting the company indefinitely, and often impacting the lives of those being coached.
A business coach may also delve into more personal aspects of the client, since our lives need to be in balance for maximum efficiency. A coach is there to help you find your motivations and help you achieve your goals through support.
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